Start point Córdoba, España End point Córdoba, España
85Km 52.8 miles
24068m 12034m / 12034m
7h 5m 12.00 Km/h
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Route description

I think this cycling route is perfect to make a week-end trip and visit Córoba and its surroundings by bike. It is a simple route and quite lovely. My wife and I started the route in Córdoba and made it the other way around that what is shown in the track uploaded, this one was our return trip.

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Published by: Alex Jordan
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Practical Information

In the track, we will start from the lovely town of Cabra and we take the country road parallel to road A-342. We will find in front of us a huge factory, so we will turnright and cross the tunnel behind the road. We will continue through that road, in around 3 km you'll see a path on your right, follow it.

Follow the path for around 2 km and afterwards turn left to go on on this country road and from that pointtake not the one, but the second path you will see on your right. Then continue on that same path until you reach Montilla.

In Montilla you'll have to take the street called 'Rio de la Hoz' and go straight on until you find the Avenida Boucau on your left and take it. It will take you to Av de Andalucia, Calle Ronda de Curtidores, and Calle Aguas. And back to the road!

The next town you'll pass through will be Montemayor, followed by Fernán- Nuñez, that will be a good point to stop and have some delicious Salmorejo, especially when it's hot.

From that point, just follow the path and you will reach Cordoba in 42 km aprox. At some point the track follows the river Guadajoz just until it reaches Guadalquivir river, which is very recommendable in order to make a lovely, romantic ride.

Once you reach Córdoba, just enjoy the city and have fun!

Google Translation

The cuisine of Cordoba is the result of a long tradition which can be seen in the variety of its dishes, the huge number of restaurants, taverns and bars all over the city and in the prestige which it enjoys on a national level.The different peoples and civilizations which passed through Cordoba also left their mark in the local cuisine. The Romans introduced the use of olive oil, which is widely used and highly-prized in this area, and set the norms for what would later become known as Mediterranean cuisine.

The Arab influence, too, can be seen in the use of nuts and dried fruit, vegetables, in the mixture of sweet and sour flavours and finally in cakes and sweets, which were also influenced by Jewish culinary traditions.

The arrival of the Christians brought an increased use of meat as well as maintaining the best culinary traditions from the cultures previous to the conquest.

No one can really get to know Cordoba without trying and enjoying its cuisine and joining in the local culture of eating and drinking well.

Google Translation

There are two main bike rental companies:

SoloBici offers you a panoramic tour of Cordoba using bikes to tour the historical sights of the city. The tour takes us from the first settlements on the banks of the river Guadalquivir to state-of-the-art 21st century buildings, the latest additions to the city. On the way, we stop to have a snack and sample the traditional cuisine of Cordoba. The bike tour is flexible and can be tailor-made to suit your tastes and needs.

Cordobaenbicicleta was founded with a vocation and commitment to promote tourism in a sustainable, healthy and alternative way.
Cordoba is located in a privileged position on the foothills of Sierra Morena and on the River Guadalquivir plains. In such spectacular surroundings, the bike is the ideal means of transport for exploring the city and its surroundings in an alternative, original way, while helping to protect the environment, without fumes or noise.
Cordobaenbicicleta has organised a series of routes run through the places of tourist and cultural interest, located in the historic quarter (World Heritage Area) and in the suburbs, taking advantage of one of the most extensive networks of bicycle paths in Spain. Cordobaenbicicletacan drop off and pick up the bikes at your hotel or at the point where you want to start your route.

Google Translation

Cordoba has an excellent public transportation network. Numerous bus lines of the local Aucorsa bus company interconnect downtown and the outer neighborhoods. Displays at the bus stops conveniently indicate departure time and line number and destination of the next bus.

Google Translation

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