Punto de inicio X Región, Chile Punto final Santa Cruz, Argentina
1300Km 807.8 millas
0m 0m / 0m
108h 20m 12.00 Km/h

Descripción de la Ruta

Traversing the Carretera Austral has become all a classic adventure for cyclists. The multiple-day ride takes you through through the most remote and disconnected areas in all of South America and to some of the most beautiful places in Patagonia.

The Carretera Austral begins in Puerto Montt and ends in Southern Patagonia. The entire route is more than 1,300 kms, so we have divided the entire route into two individual tours which can be combined if you are ambitious enough to complete the whole traverse. 

This tour takes you across only the southern portion of the Carretera Austral. You will be pedaling from the city of Coihaique to Villa O'Higgins. From Villa O’Higgins we cross Lago O'Higgins on a ferry to reach Estancia Candelario Mansilla, which is a small town on the border of Argentina. Finally you will have to trek to Lago del Desierto and finally end our trip in the village of Chalten. 


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Publicado por: Tim Bath
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