Punto de inicio Las Palmas, España Punto final Las Palmas, España
178Km 110.6 millas
674m 674m / 0m
14h 50m 12.00 Km/h
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Descripción de la Ruta

The tour starts in the area of Maspalomas, Playa del Inglés towards Puerto de Mogan, where you can visit one of the most important tourist attractions in Gran Canaria.  Known as Little Venice, Puerto de Mogan is a romantic, charming village with its Mediterranean-style homes, that do not exceed three stories, decorated with small gardens full of beautiful flowers. Take a walk through the little pathways, alongside the channels and admire the spectacular marina.

On the road to La Aldea you can take pictures of the place known as Los Azulejos. Take a look at the surface of some mountains and distinguish the variety and vividness of the natural colors alongside the mountains.

Passing through the village of La Aldea, you will find plenty of tomato greenhouses where the best tomatoes of the country are grown.

Continuing the excursion to Agaete, be mesmerized by the stunning views from the winding road, filled with dramatic cliffs and canyons that fall down to the sea.

With a little luck, along the way you may catch a glimpse of Mount Teide, Spain’s highest mountain (3,718 metres) located on the neighbouring island of Tenerife.

The tour continues along the North coast.  Notice the strong waves and houses built on the cliffs.  Discover Puerto de las Nieves, a charming and idyllic fishing village.  Fishing is present everywhere: at the monument to the fisherman, the chapel and the facades of the simple houses painted in white and blue.  Take a breath of salty air next to the rough sea with high waves, a different image to that of the southern shores.

On your last stop at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, capital of the island, you have time to stroll along the beach of Las Canteras, a magnificent city beach and pride of the Canary people.  Enjoy a last coffee before returning to Maspalomas. You will be back with the feeling of having a different image of Gran Canaria, knowing more about some of the typical places, its coastline, flora and history.

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