Start point 8000 Brugge, Bélgica End point 9700 Oudenaarde, Bélgica
244Km 151.6 miles
4188.6m 2098m / 2091m
20h 20m 12.00 Km/h

Route description

De Ronde Van Vlaanderen, as known as Flanders Tour, is the most prestigious and famous race in Belgium. The day before the race, a special non-compatitive cycling route is organized with 3 different itineraries. The longest of them overcomes the 250 km. In this epic cycling tour, the itinerary is one of the most espectacular in the sport, with a huge number of uphills short, yet steep (the so-called walls), some of them thankfully cobbled, like is the famous Koppenberg.

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Published by: Alejandro
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Practical Information

Since you will be in Bruges, discover this fairytale-made city in one of the cruises throught their channels. Also, get amazed by the green, landscapes the Belgian countryside offers you and where you will even see the typicall Wondmills from the Netherlands, which culture has a strong influence in the Blegian Flanders. The gastronomy in Belgium takes recipes from their near neighbours, Germany and France, from where we can find the sausage with mashed potatoes or the mussles with chips. If you have planned to travel to Belgium, you must get ready for trying, at least, one of its more than 1.000 varieties of beer, or their incredible chocolates, waffles and French fries. Gastronomy in Belgium is an art, an art de vivre. From street foods to traditional dishes like croquettes , the choices are endless. Brussels is bursting with cafés to go enjoy a world-renowned Belgian beer and the Grand Sablon Square is surrounded with shops from Belgium's artisan chocolatiers. Wallonia, French-speaking Belgium, is a delight of local restaurants, affordable and charming inns, castles and small breweries throughout the rolling countryside, so teher is always a lot of possibilities to choose.
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Starting from the magic city of Bruges and their tiny channels, we will head South following the signs VRR, there are many different level changes along the more than 200km of route, where we will have to be special trained to climb the 'walls' on our bike, which will be rewarded with plain, lovely, plain, cobbled path in between of them. Our first challenge will come at Tiegemberg by the km 91 of our route, which will not be actually big deal due to its 5,6% average inclination. Then, we will past trough the lovely towns on Wannegem and Zingem, which will make us ready for the next hill,  Wolvenberg, whose main inclination in 17,3%. On the next 2 kilometers we will ride through the plain streets of Ruiterstraat and Kerkgate until we reach the Molenberg, which is followed by a grateful down hill and by nearly 3 km of plain paved streets, to face just after that 5 different uphills, one after the other, whose maximun inclination rate goes from 10% to 20% each. As long as we reach the end of the route, the plains will be less and less usual and will be changed by constant uphills and downhills, like Kaperij, Kruisberg, Karnemelkbeekstraat, until we reach the final hill of Paterberg and the finish line in Oudenaarde. If we are thinking about doing it during the annual event, which usually takes place in April, we should be very aware of the weather, which can be extremely cold if we are not well prepared enough, and of the aglomerations, since a lot of other cycle lovers come from many places around the world to participate, which can be really uncomfortobale during the uphills.
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Due to the huge cycling culture in Belgium and the Netherlands, which are pretty close, every big city has its own public cycling system, like Vrillo! in Brussels. Also, there are a lot of different stores which offers you the possibility to rent a bike a very cheap price (from 4 €  for 2 hour in Bruges). The system of the big cities is quite similar to the rest of the public cycling systems in Europe, you get a temporary card and choose the bike you want to take and, when you want to leave it, you should find an empty station to fix the bike and then pay the service taking into account the time you have used it, so it is important to take into account the time which will take you to find an available bike station.
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Since in Belgium have a huge bicycle riding culture, there are several cycling paths along the country and the cities have their own way for this use, also, many central streets from big cities only allow the bicycle and pedestrian traffic in them, such as the Brussels' Grand Place. Also, and mainly near the train stations, there are huge bike parkings which are mostly complete.
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